Purchase Dashboards with Odoo ERP: Complete Guide

Odoo purchase dashboards are a great way to track your business’s purchasing activity, and they can be customized to meet your needs.
Purchase dashboards are a great way to keep track of your business’s finances. They display key financial information in an easy-to-understand format, so you can quickly see how your company is doing and make adjustments as needed.
A purchase dashboard report shows the following:
- What you’ve spent on inventory this month, along with its cost per unit (for example, if you bought 100 widgets at $10 each)
- How many of those widgets were sold in this time period (50) and how much money was made from those sales ($500)
Purchase Dashboards
A purchase dashboard is a tool for viewing and reporting on your company’s purchases. You can create a group of items, add them to the group, view their daily usage and costs, and report on them in various ways.
To create a purchase dashboard:
- Select [Purchases] from the left navigation bar on your main screen (or click here).
- Click [Create] under [Dashboards]. A pop-up window will appear prompting you for information about your new purchase dashboard; enter it as described below:
- Enter a name for your new dashboard into the “Title” field (e.g., Dashboard). The other fields should be filled automatically based on what was entered into those fields when creating new groups of items (see below). If they’re not correct or need editing after creation simply click inside each field with mouse cursor then press the F2 key or right click mouse button over top area where text should appear after pressing F2 key followed by selecting desired option(s) from the dropdown list appearing above currently selected area within which text has been entered previously but hasn’t yet been saved yet due its current status as being still ‘uncompleted’ rather than finalized version which would require saving before moving forward further down process chain involving additional functionality provided by Odoo ERP platform itself rather than generic software applications such as Word Processor used throughout world wide web today since late 1980s onwards towards end goal which has been defined clearly enough now so let’s move onto next step!
Purchase Dashboard Report
The Purchases Dashboard Report is a great way to see all of your purchases at once. If you’re trying to figure out where your business stands in terms of buying, this report will help you get an idea of what’s going on.
To use it:
- Go to Reports > Purchases Dashboard Report
- Select the time period and date range for which you want information (for example today’s date).
- Click on “Run Report”
Create a Purchase Dashboard
If you’re a member of the purchasing group and finance group, you can create a purchase dashboard. To do so:
- Go to Settings > Customizations > Purchase Dashboards.
- Click on “New”.
- Enter your dashboard name, description, and color scheme (optional).
Create a Group and Add Items to it
A group is a collection of items. It can contain multiple items, and those items don’t all have to be the same type.
For example, let’s say you want to track the sales revenue from your various product lines:
- The first product line is sold in stores, so it has its own ERP module and some information about each store (the city where it’s located, how much inventory it carries). You might want to add this information as an item into your Dashboard Group called “Stores.” Now every time you look at that Dashboard Group later on, you’ll see how much money was made from each store.
- The next two products are sold online through an e-commerce website; they don’t have any physical location associated with them at all–they’re just products listed online for purchase by customers anywhere in the world! But still: They’re part of our overall business strategy and therefore worth tracking alongside our other revenue sources (like those stores). So let’s create another new Dashboard Group called “Online Sales” which includes both types of products under one roof…
Report on Purchases by Group and Item
You can also create a report to see the purchases by group and item. To create this report, go to the Dashboard tab, and click New Dashboard. Select Purchase Report and add fields that you want on your dashboard.
For example:
- Group – will be used as an identifier for groups of products;
- Item – will be used as an identifier for products within a group;