Project Insights at Your Fingertips: Dashboards with Odoo ERP

A project dashboard is a tool for monitoring the progress of your projects. It helps you manage multiple projects at once and gives you an overview of all the ongoing activities, including deadlines and milestones.
The task, timesheet, helpdesk analysis report
The task, timesheet, and helpdesk analysis report are three reports that you can use to track your project progress. These reports can be accessed from the dashboard by clicking on their respective icons at the top of the screen.
The task report shows all tasks related to a particular project or client in chronological order with their status (in progress, completed). It also provides information about who is assigned to each task and when it was created/modified along with its description if provided by you or someone else in your company who has access to this information.
The timesheet report shows time spent working on various projects by employees over a period of time as well as their hourly rate for each one of them if applicable (for example contractors). You can also add notes when creating new entries into this report so they will appear below each entry when viewing it later on again – useful if something comes up that needs immediate attention!
Create project dashboards with odoo erp
In this article, we will create a project dashboard using Odoo ERP. Project dashboards are created using Odoo ERP and they help you to manage projects in an effective manner. Creating a project dashboard is easy with Odoo ERP as it has many features which will help you to track your business processes and increase productivity.
Project Dashboards with Odoo ERP
Project Dashboards with Odoo ERP is a great way to keep track of projects, tasks and timesheets. The reporting module allows you to create reports that give you an overview of your business performance at any given time. It also allows you to generate charts so that you can see trends over time or compare one project against another. This can help identify where improvements need to be made or areas that may need more resources allocated toward them