How to Setup Multiple Warehouse with Odoo ERP

Warehouse management is one of the most important functions of any ERP system. The warehouse plays a vital role in ensuring that your customers get their products on time and also that all inventory is accounted for. In this article we will look at how to set up multiple warehouses using Odoo’s Warehouse module, which is part of its integrated system for logistics and e-commerce applications.
This article introduces you to the concept of Warehouse Management, and how you can use Odoo ERP to manage your warehouse operations.
- What is a warehouse?
A warehouse is a place where goods are stored until they are ready for use or sale. In most cases, warehouses have different areas for storing different types of products (e.g., foodstuffs), and each area has its own temperature control system so that it remains within the desired range at all times.
- What is Warehouse Management?
Warehouse management refers to the process of planning, organizing and controlling all activities related to storage and retrieval of goods in warehouses as well as maintaining inventories in order to achieve maximum efficiency with minimum investment in terms of space usage while ensuring quality service levels throughout all stages involving handling process right from receipt till dispatch/delivery etcetera.”
Step 1: Create a warehouse
Before you can create a warehouse, you need to create a location. A location is a physical space where goods are stored or processed before they’re sold to customers. You can also use locations as the basis for your inventory management system: each location has one or more warehouses associated with it and each warehouse may have one or more locations associated with it.
To create a new location type:
- Go to Settings > Warehouse & Locations > Location Types
- Click Add in the upper right corner of this page (or click Add new)
Step 2: Setup Locations and Warehouses
In this step, you will create locations and warehouses. You can also find out more about locations here.
- Create a location by going to Location > New Location.
- Then, set up the following information:
- Name (this is what people see when they look at the location)
- Create an additional warehouse if you have multiple warehouses in your company.
Step 3: Create operations for the warehouse
- Create operations for the warehouse.
- Create operation types for the warehouse operations.
- Create routes for warehouse operations and locations.
Step 4: Create operation types for the warehouse operations
- Operation types are used to define the type of operation that you want to create.
- You can create different operation types for different warehouses and use the same operation type at multiple warehouses if you want to (the same goes for locations).
- For this example, let’s say that we have two warehouses: one in New York City and one in Los Angeles. We’ll call them warehouse1 and warehouse2 respectively.
Step 5. Create Routes for the warehouse operations and locations.
Now that you have created your warehouses, it’s time to create a route for each warehouse operation. A route is simply a set of instructions that tells the system where to send products and when. For example, if you want to ship an order from Warehouse 1 through Warehouse 2 before delivering it to its final destination (Store 3), then you’ll need one route for shipping orders from Warehouse 1 and another route for delivering those same orders at Store 3.
You can create routes in two ways: either manually or automatically by importing them from ERPConnect. We recommend using ERPConnect because it’s easier than doing everything manually but keep in mind that if something goes wrong with your connection between Odoo ERP and ERPConnect then there’s no way around creating these routes manually unless you have another way of connecting these two systems together such as using Amazon Web Services (AWS) which requires some technical knowledge on how AWS works so we won’t cover how-to steps here but rather focus on explaining why this step matters so much when setting up multiple warehouses within Odoo ERP.
In this article, we discussed the warehouse setup in Odoo ERP and how to create warehouses with multiple locations. We also covered the different types of operations and locations that can be used for warehouses.