Discount Calculation in Odoo ERP

If you are using Odoo ERP, then you may have come across the term discount. Discount is a financial incentive offered by some businesses to its customers. The incentive is given by businesses in order to attract more customers, to retain their existing customers or to encourage them to buy other services or products from that company. In Odoo ERP, discount calculation can be done through several steps as mentioned below:
How to create a discount calculation in Odoo?
- Create a product with discount
- Create a customer with a discount and payment method
- Create a customer group with payment methods and member
- Create an invoice for the customer, product, and the discount calculated
How to use discounts in Odoo ERP?
Let’s assume that you want to apply a discount on an invoice / Sales Order. To do this, go to the Sales menu and select Discounts Create the Discounts. In this case, we’re going to apply a 5% discount on all products except those that are marked as ‘not eligible’. To add this condition, click Add Condition at the bottom of your screen and then select “Eligible products” under Product Attributes.

How to create an invoice and generate a discount on it?
To create a new invoice, go to Sales | Invoices.
To set the discount on a line item, click on it and then select Discount from the drop-down list in front of “Discount”.
When you have added all lines with discounts and amounts, click Save Invoice.

How to create an invoice and set a line item (product) as discounted?
You can create an invoice and set a line item as discounted by following these steps:
- Go to Sales menu, then click on Sales.
- Click on New button in the top right corner of the screen or press Ctrl+I key combination on your keyboard to an open a new window for creating an invoice with default settings such as Customer Name, Date & Time Settings etc., which will be used later when you generate this particular invoice through Odoo ERP system at backend level automatically without any manual intervention needed from your side further onwards unless if required due to some specific reason like change in tax rate etc., but let’s keep moving forward towards generating new invoices now…
Discount calculation in Odoo can be done by following a few steps.
To create a discount calculation, follow the steps below:
- Go to [Sales > Products > Discounts > Discount Calculation].
- Click on Add New and enter the details as shown in the image below.

We have seen how to create and use discounts in Odoo ERP. It is very useful for businesses, which helps them to calculate the discount amount on products or services sold by them.