Difference between Leads and Opportunities in Odoo

You might be asking yourself, “What is the difference between leads and opportunities?” Well, that’s a great question! Let me tell you:
Leads are people who have shown interest in your product or service. They’re typically more qualified than cold leads, but not as much as hot leads.
Leads can be converted into opportunities and then customers, or they can be converted into sales–and even if a lead doesn’t turn into anything right away, you should still keep track of them so that when an opportunity arises later on down the line (or when those same prospects contact you), you know where they came from and what was said during their initial interaction with your company.
Opportunities are created when a lead is converted to an opportunity. They are linked to leads, but can also be created from sales quotes or other opportunities. Opportunities have status of open, closed or partially closed.
A lead is someone you are interested in doing business with in the future, whereas an opportunity represents a current project that you want to execute.
A lead is someone you are interested in doing business with in the future, whereas an opportunity represents a current project that you want to execute. A lead can be converted into an opportunity, or created from a contact.
A lead is created automatically when someone fills out a form on your website or signs up for your newsletter, but it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean they’re ready to buy something right away–they’re just showing interest and signaling their intent by filling out the form. The next step is to qualify them as either hot (meaning they expressed interest in buying something) or cold (not yet ready). When you qualify a lead as hot, it becomes part of your “hot” list of leads who have expressed interest in buying something from you; these are great places for sales teams to start outreach efforts!
You can use the difference between leads and opportunities in Odoo to classify your contacts. This will make it easier to track them and manage them in the future as well.